5:27 PM

Tavia Yeung was crowned TV Queen for the first time at Astro's AOD My Favourite Awards 2012 in Malaysia last night. She was also one of the biggest winners with the most awards of the night along with Kenneth Ma. On stage, she teared up emotionally and asked her 13th TVB Artistes Training Class classmate Raymond Lam to go on stage and share the happiness with her, but Raymond rushed her and Him Law to get marry soon.

Tavia: "I give you Him Law"

Yesterday the stars came back to HK for a celebration. Tavia generously shared the award and took pictures with Him. When speaking of the most touching money, Tavia started getting teary eyes again. Asked why she didn't thank Him when she accepted her award? She said: "Because there's nothing to thank. I couldn't think of what I could thank him for. I thanked all my colleagues from THC, it's rare that every one of us had that much chemistry." During Him's interview, he said: "I got something most important to me in life!" Tavia was asked if Him was referring to her? She laughed: "I don't know! I'm not a thing, I'm human! You should ask him what he has gained! Perhaps he had an unforgettable moment when shooting this series (THC). (He thanked you on stage, were you touched?) He said a lot of other names! (Everyone rushed you two to get married?) I get a headache just hearing it! Nowadays, people's styles are like that. Once there are rumors, there's a huge surge. (Save the announcement of the relationship until you get the award in HK?) Nope, leave it to fate! I won't do any special planning, get award and make money first." When speaking of artists "giving presents" to fans so they can vote for them? Tavia joked: "I'll give you guys Him Law! (Take his nude photos out?) No! We don't have any of that!"

"Best Supporting Actor" Him Law frankly expressed his confidence has increased and he had a lot of people to thank when he got on stage, but he didn't know why the audience started shouting Tavia Yeung's name. He said: "I'm a guy, so I can be more generous. Tavia helped me a lot in The Hippocratic Crush. (People were telling you two get married.) They're just joking. (Tavia didn't thank you on stage?) I really didn't help her in any way, she deserved the TV Queen award." When asked why he didn't declare his love for Tavia when he got the award? He said: "I don't know what to say. (When you become TV King, propose to her?) Crazy! There is no such thing. Marriage, leave it to fate. Every guy wants a good girl (Is Tavia a marriage partner?) She's a good girl, a marriage partner to many guys, but I don't know if I have that kind of good fortune." Him expressed when he was shooting THC, he encountered the lowest period in his life. When asked if it was the Theresa Fu incident? He said: "Don't mention it."

Fresh out of the oven TV King, Kenneth Ma, clarified the rumors of him and ex-girlfriend Nancy Wu getting back together. He said they are just good friends and Nancy has a new boyfriend. The rumor is unfair to Nancy, she's a good girl. About his TV King victory, Kenneth said: "I'm very happy, never thought I would bring home so many awards from Malaysia. It is truly a pleasant surprise, but this didn't increase my confidence to get the TVB Award because there is a new system this year. If TVB had the old system, I have more confidence. This year, anything could happen, everyone has a chance." Will he put his new label 'HK Golden House Man God' into good use when trying to increase his votes? "I don't have an account there, or perhaps I'll tell fans to leave messages." Last night, the 'crying threesome' Koo Ming Wa, Mandy Wong and Oscar Leung [and Him Law] won their first acting awards and cried on stage. Wayne Lai shared his experience with them, he said his first award was given to him by Astro as well, but he waited a long time before getting his second one!

Raymond Lam: "I wasn't joking"

Raymond rushed Tavia and Him into marriage, but he later said frankly: "I'm not playing, I am serious! They are so sweet. It's strange, they used to keep their distance, but don't know why they were like that this time." It was not only rumored Raymond would get JSG's Most Popular Male Singer this year, but earlier he broke the tradition and still got an award at the JSG Selections Round 3 despite his absence. Raymond said: "I don't know why, each year whenever there are any changes, it's because of me! But has anyone ever thought, I have never won the TV King award?"

Myolie Wu: "Don't Be Like Us"

As for Myolie Wu, she said the most touching moment was during Tavia and Him's part. She said: "So sweet, unfortunately nobody had ever said such thing to me." Myolie felt emotional seeing them so sweet, but when asked if Tavia and Him's relationship reminded her relationship with Bosco Wong? Myolie said: "I wish them the best, don't end up like us!"

Kate Tsui was defeated by Tavia at the Astro awards, did she suffer emotional impact? Kate said: "I hope my next award won't come next year. This definitely didn't lower my confidence. The award winners were all well-deserved. THC had such strong reaction from the audience, my fans were a little disappointed because many fans made a special trip to Malaysia to support me." How will you increase your votes? Kate joked: "Kenneth Ma gave out pictures, I will have to betray Raymond Lam and hide some of his personal items, I need to win by a surprise move."

'Kwan Yee Gor' Oscar Leung and 'Kwan Yee So' Mandy Wong won the 'Most Improved Actor and Actress' awards. Oscar said 'Kwan Yee Gor' has left a deep impression on audience, and brought him a lot more job opportunities. He laughed: "Lately when I went to get my car fix at the auto shop, the mechanic said to me, 'Mr. Kwan, your car is ready'." Oscar embraced Mandy at the moment he won the award, he laughed: "I have never hugged Mandy like that before."

Source: Oriental Daily, Mingpao
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum

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