8:43 PM

Last year, JJ Jia publicly admitted she's dating Louis Fan and attracted a lot of media attention. Although most are negative news, the couple are still sweetly together. Unexpectedly, yesterday JJ broke down emotionally and wrote on Weibo at 3am: "Stop using nasty words to describe me and hurt me! I am human too! I have a father and mother too! I've tried my best to change everything, even if I have tears wet my face everyday!"

Later, JJ posted 3 more messages per hour and spilled out her emotions. She posted a total of 4 messages. On JJ's third post, she clearly expressed her dissatisfaction with the person who started negative rumors about her. She broke down: "Just randomly publishing a photo of a ring and say I'm getting married. The HK media really gives face and didn't write the story too bad, but some rumor-spreading people, stop changing the stories! He already broke up with his ex-girlfriend 10 years ago! Are you trying to say all of our ex-girlfriends/boyfriends are third parties? What about you? I have never been in such a difficult and stressful relationship before! I really can't handle it! Bottom line is, what are you trying to do! Why be like this?!" JJ's final post was about how much of an impact all this had been on her. Do artists really have to just shallow the bitterness and when others try to distort the facts, still must suffer through it?

Source: Mingpao
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum

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