7:58 PM

Missing You - 幸福摩天輪 (EPS 15-19 END) - 27 PTS (Up 1pt since last week)

Friendly Fire - 法網狙擊 (EPS 16-18) - 27 PTS (Down 1pt since last week)

Come Home Love - 爱·回家 (EPS 167-171) - 24 PTS

Variety Shows

Tricky Health Risks - 體通體透 - 19 PTS
Living Up - 更上一塵樓 - 16 PTS


JSG Best Ten Music Awards Presentation 2012 - 2012十大勁歌金曲頒獎典禮 - 19 PTS

(CSM Media Research: 1 point represents 64,200 viewers)


- Friendly Fire, 30 complaints. BA received 26 complaints for Samantha Ko's rape scene, it was disturbing and promoting porn to boost the ratings; TVB received 4 complaints, in regards to the nude scene.
- JSG Music Awards, 14 complaints. BA received 10 complaints and TVB received 4 complaints --> displeased with the MC reading the wrong results; dissatisfied with the method used to announce the winners; the female guest performers were dressed inappropriately; and displeased with the results.

Source: Oriental Daily, CSM Media Research (by Wacow)
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum

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