11:15 PM

The 23 artist drug use scandal has been going on for two weeks. It was rumored a group of celebrities were caught on video using drugs at Suki Tsui's husband Kenny Wong's restaurant. Yesterday the persons involved Hilary Tsui, Josie Ho, Convoy Chan, Sam Lee, Grace Ip and Karen Lam (Edmond Leung's wife), a total of 12 people held a press conference accompanied by their lawyer Mr. So Chi Wai (Lawyer So)

The press conference only lasted 20 minutes, Lawyer So, expressed last Friday on Dec. 7th, the press reported he was asked to "provide information" to the police and he "really wasn't reporting a case". He clarified last Friday, he did indeed accompany Hilary and another client to the police station to report the case. Lawyer So expressed after obtaining advice from an experienced lawyer, he reported to the police on behalf of 17 artists involved in the drug scandal, that there is doubt on whether someone is trying to frame the artists and obstruction of justice; hope the police investigates this case.

In addition Lawyer So announced yesterday morning he sent out a cease and desist letter to Kenny Wong for defamation. If necessary, they will take it up a step further, including asking the court to issue an injunction order. Kenny Wong have made "false accusations" towards Hilary and Josie. Lawyer So said: "All because of his outrageous behavior towards Ms. Virgina Chan and her group's complaint on the Taiwanese chicken dish." It was also requested that Kenny Wong respond within 48 hours, otherwise further legal action may be taken against him, including but not limited to, asking the court to issue an injunction order.

Hilary: My daughter was the innocent one

Hilary expressed of this whole incident, her daughter was the most innocent. She was constantly frightened by all the reporters trying to take pictures and get interviews. She sent out the legal letter because she wants to stop people from spreading more rumors. When asked if she wants [Kenny Wong] to make a public apology? Lawyer So said that is one of the legal procedures. The persons that started the rumor must be refrained from causing further misunderstanding.

It was reported Kenny Wong asked someone from the "underworld" to help him settle this incident. Did the group meet with him to discuss this matter? Hilary said this question should be for the person who started the rumor and those who wrote the story. They are very passive. She directly expressed she is just worried of her personal safety, "I have a family and a child, of course I am worried. (Hire bodyguards?) I stand righteously, that is not necessary."

Reporters were allowed to ask questions, one reporter asked: "Since you all claimed you didn't use drugs, will you go for a blood test or urinalysis?" Nobody answered the question, there was a moment of silence before the lawyer responded: "This question is unfair to my clients. You cannot make false accusations and ask them to do a blood test." Hilary felt the reporter's question made them feel uncomfortable, she said: "Why do we have to use a blood test to prove that we didn't use drugs? We are innocent, we never done it."

Josie said: "There was a witness that said they captured it on video, but can't produce it, then why do we have to go for a blood test to prove our innocence? Although we don't mind doing it."

Sam Lee: "If we should take the blood test, that person has to take the test with us. The spirits of law exist in Hong Kong. If we're called crazy, then do we have to go test for psychosis? There are many rumors each day, then do we have to clarify them all? We are already innocent, actually we are not worried, nor do we mind [taking the test]. It's just not necessary for us to do something just because someone said it. I hope after this press conference, I won't have to respond again, but not responding means we indirectly admit it. This affects my daily life."

Source: Mingpao
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum

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