9:38 PM

Yesterday TVB chairman Norman Leung hosted a celebration dinner for Highs and Lows. The cast including Kate Tsui, Ella Koon, Michael Miu and Elaine Ng attended. Michael Tse tried to brainwash Kate into voting for him instead, Kate said: "He didn't bribe me, actually he's brainwashing me! (He told his wife to vote for Tavia?) Well that's fair. I'm actively trying to get votes too. I got over 100 votes today! (Tell Tavia to vote for you?) I don't dare to." When asked if she'll try to convince Norman to vote for her too? She laughed: "I already did. I'll have to wait for his secretary to confirm first!" It was rumored Highs and Lows producer made a special director's cut of the gang rape scene to help her gain more votes. Kate joked: "The producer said he's saving that to watch himself. Just kidding!"

Source: The Sun
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum

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