4:46 PM

Hong Kong restaurant owner Kenny Wong who was reportedly slapped by veteran artiste Eric Tsang during a tussle last Wednesday has chosen to keep mum about the incident.

Kenny and his wife, actress Suki Tsui refused to reveal any details yesterday and only replied that "the case has been handed over to the police" and "there is nothing more to clarify".

Kenny has been under the spotlight recently for alleging that 23 Hong Kong celebrities were involved in a drug party at his restaurant last year.

Talks are rife that Kenny and Suki are forced to keep mum on this matter. During an interview last week, Kenny commented that he and Suki had been threatened and verbally insulted by a group of gang members after he went to the hospital to examine the wounds he suffered from the physical conflict last Wednesday night.

He added, "Suki was frightened and became worried about our daughters' safety."

Hong Kong singer Edmund Leung, who was rumoured to be involved in the dispute, kept a low profile and evaded questions on the matter.

Singer Eason Chan's wife, Hilary Tsui, who is suspected to be one of the celebrities involved in the drug party, has also refuted the rumours. She reportedly intends to gather the other 22 artistes involved to hold a press conference to prove their innocence.

Source: Xinmsn

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