5:43 PM

TVB young FaDan Sire Ma plays Damian Lau's daughter in the current TVB drama Silver Spoon, Sterling Shackles. She portrays the daughter of a wealthy man, but has no right or freedom in choosing a spouse, her parents decides everything for her. For this series, Sire traveled with the crew to Shanghai, where they were able to really concentrate on shooting the series because there were no other jobs to distract them. Sire was able to really get into character, in one emotional scene about Sire crying to her father, Damian, her tears naturally came running down. She said: "Actually that scene didn't have much dialogue. I asked Dad, do you know there are a lot of unhappy people in this family? Then I start crying. Damian said he rarely tears up when he watches playbacks of his own scenes. He was re-watching this scene, and had teary eyes. He said my performance was so touching, and I'm happy to have his compliment!"

She and the other cast developed a very good relationship because they were filming for nearly half a year together. They often group chat on WhatsApp. Shooting in Shanghai this time around, she was able to experience how enthusiastic Mainland fans are. The fans would stand in front of the hotel waiting for their idols practically every day. They bring breakfast and late night snacks for their idols and sometimes even daily necessities.

Sire hopes she'll have the opportunity to go to Mainland more often because there is heavy historical feel there, which helps artists get into character easily. As to the series said to leave "heavy flavors"? She believes people shouldn't place all the attention on any one particular scene, "It's just like appreciating artwork, shouldn't be using the erotic view to see it."

'The Voice' singer Adrian Chau ('Dai Ma', Older Twin) plays the HK police officer in a green uniform in SSSS. His character lives a life of principles, but eventually develops a relationship with wealthy girl "Chung Ho Yin" (Sire Ma). Adrian said the character is very "hot" and the role with the most screen time since he debut. However, when he first looked at the script, he had a headache: "This role has so many turning points, I had to really put in a lot of effort into analyzing how I should portray him. My seniors Damian Lau, Elena Kong, Ron Ng and Kenneth Ma were very willing to teach me. They were so detailed, they even gave me advice on body language, which helped me see the light!"

He expressed he spent a long period of time filming with all his seniors and thought of himself like a 'sponge', constantly absorbing experience. His younger twin brother 'Sai Ma', Daniel Chau, greatly envied him: "The more I listened, the more I said 'amazing'! I really envy my brother for getting a role with such heavy screen time. He even got to film in Shanghai! I hope to be part of a touching love story too, hope I'll get this opportunity!"

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum

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