4:49 PM

Last night Tavia Yeung, Damien Lau, Kenneth Ma, Sire Ma and the rest of the cast of TVB series Silver Spoon, Sterling Shackle watched the finale with the audience. During the finale, there were a lot of flashback scenes, which was heavily criticized by Netizens that the story dragged on for too long. The men in the series got on their knees a total of 7 times in front of the women, Netizens said they looked like "the great classic of tragic men". However, the cast watching the finale including Sire Ma, Jessie Shum, Rebecca Zhu and Elena Kong were all tearing up and had to use tissues too.

Damian expressed he's ready to lose the TV King award, but will vote for Kenneth Ma and Tavia Yeung. When Tavia heard this, she said confidently: "I'm his wife! He has to vote for me! I hope the finale tonight gets high ratings, so we could find time to celebrate together. Also, I haven't celebrated after coming back from Malaysia. (Take the TVB award too and then celebrate altogether?) Let's just eat first, perhaps I'll get celebrate again! (Already celebrated with Him Law?) Happiness does not just have to be two people, nor is the achievements just on the award winner. There are also a large group of staff behind the scenes." Kenneth praised Damian's acting as "God level" and expressed the award is not important, he is grateful for all the advice Damian gave him. He smiled and said the award ceremony is like a big party to him.

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum

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