8:05 AM

Last night, TVB held their annual Anniversary Awards 2012. TVB Siu Sangs and FaDans all came together to witness the announcement of over 10 awards. This year, the three awards "Best Actor", "Best Actress" and "Best Series" awards were completely voted by HK citizens, there were a total of 1,542,922 votes. Wayne Lai and Tavia Yeung were crowned TV King and Queen. Each of them got over 110,000 votes (Wayne - 114,949; Tavia - 110,795). The Best Series award went to When Heaven Burns, the producer Jonathan Chik and scriptwriter Chow Yuk Ming said on stage, "We won't say anything controversial tonight, thank you!"

Wayne Lai takes the TV King title for the third time based on his role in The Confidant and now matches the three time Best Actor winner, Gallen Lo. When the TV King award presenter Deanie Ip announced Wayne as the winner, hot favorite Raymond Lam generously embraced Wayne; Kenneth Ma, was rather stunned for a long moment. Wayne said on stage: "I feel very lucky. It is really how many 10 years are in my life? The honor I've received from acting for TVB, I hope to share this happiness with my mom, wife and son. Thank you all for voting."

Tavia was crowned TV Queen as expected, after her award presenter Miriam Yeung announced the result, Tavia was immediately emotional. As soon as she got up, she embraced her partner (Kenneth Ma) and her colleagues. Rumored boyfriend Him Law was also very emotional and wanted to cry. Tavia said on stage: "I thought I was in a state of emergency. I really thank everyone in HK for voting for me. My 10 years in the industry has been a difficult one, but I never gave up. Thank you Mom, you must be very proud of me." Later when Tavia accepted an interview, she was asked about Him Law's teary eyes? She said: "Crying for what, silly! Cry when you win the award!"

"My Favorite TV Male Character" went to Kenneth Ma. He emotionally said: "If nobody wishes to win this award, I don't mind getting this award every year!" He later expressed the award increased his confidence and he will have to treat many people dinner.

Kate Tsui was the award winner for "My Favorite TV Female Character" based on her drug queen role in Highs and Lows. When she made her acceptance speech, it appears she was unsure if she'll lose the TV Queen award, she was crying hard on stage, she was sniffling through her nose and hard red eyes: "I always thought the word 'favorite' was far from me. After I entered the industry, there was a period of time when a lot of people didn't like me, so I just can't believe this." When Kate recovered from her emotions, she expressed she's very hapy and when asked if wants the TV Queen award too? She said: "I don't know. I already tried my best to pull in votes. Last night I was shooting until 4am, and I still kept telling people to vote for me." Also, last night there were viewers that complained TVB paved the road for Tavia to get the TV Queen award, and prohibited Netizens to complain on tvb.com, but Netizens went over to ATV's website to complain. However, the discussions were deleted.

"Best Supporting Actor" went to Koo Ming Wa. He had a normal TVB artist contract, but the night before the awards, he signed an artist management contract. Power Chan, was one of hot favorites for this award, but despite losing, he stil prepared a speech to thank his wife (Mimi Lo) and daughter. He also went down to the audience to give his wife a kiss. Nancy Wu was the hot favorite for "Best Supporting Actress" and as expected she got the award. She said: "I truly triumph over many opponents, I've got through the third obstacle."

"Most Improved Actor and Actress" went to Oscar Leung and Mandy Wong. Before going on stage, Oscar gave Him Law a kiss and then kissed his award on stage. He said: "I want to thank my family. When I wanted to give up, they were the ones who supported me. It is the most meaningful to get this award with Mandy Wong, it's like I fulfilled a wish." Mandy excitedly said: "Thank you my family, whether if I had a small role or a role without any lines, they still cry out and cheer for me." On Weibo, Kenix Kwok praised Oscar Leung's good acting and Jordan Chan rushed him to get marry.

Liza Wang got the "Lifetime Achievement Award", she expressed she's been in the industry for 45 years and this is TVB's 45th anniversary. She is extremely happy to have gained TVB's recognition. Ah Jeh said she has to thank herself: "It is difficult to remain committed to a job."

This year, TVB added a new award "Outstanding Artists Awards". Eric Tsang announced the winners to Chin Ka Lok, Benz Hui, Sunny Chan, Joseph Lee and Dodo Cheng. They were all surprised to get the award. Eric expressed he believes the person who deserved this award the most is Dodo Cheng. When she accepted the award, everyone got up to applaud for her. She said: "Thanks to TVB for picking me up 30 years ago at a television station going out a business, otherwise I could not have developed this far."


Best Actor in a Leading Role: Wayne Lai (The Confidant)

Best Actress in a Leading Role: Tavia Yeung (Silver Spoon, Sterling Shackles)

Best Actor in a Supporting Role: Koo Ming Wa (Divas In Distress)

Best Actress in a Supporting Role: Nancy Wu (Gloves Come Off)

My Favorite TV Male Character: Kenneth Ma (The Hippocratic Crush)

My Favorite TV Female Character: Kate Tsui (Highs and Lows)

Most Improved Actor: Oscar Leung (L'Escargot, The Confidant, Tiger Cubs)

Most Improved Actress: Mandy Wong (L'Escargot, The Hippocratic Crush, Tiger Cubs, Divas In Distress)

Best Programme Host: Maria Leitão

Best Series: When Heaven Burns

Best Variety Show: Map of Happiness

Best Educational Programme: Pilgrimage of Hope

TVB Lifetime Achievement Award: Liza Wang

Most Outstanding Artists (5 Winners)
01. Chin Kar Lok
02. Benz Hui
03. Sunny Chan
04. Joseph Lee
05. Dodo Cheng

Moses Chan and Aimee Chan
Raymond Lam and Kate Tsui
Bosco Wong and Linda Chung
Kenneth Ma and Tavia Yeung
Kevin Cheng and Myolie Wu
Wayne Lai and Michelle Yim
Oscar Leung and Mandy Wong
Niki Chow, Raymond Wong, Fala Chen
Vincent Wong, Nancy Wu, Him Law
Cilla Lok, King Kong, Katy Kung




Source: TVB.COM, Mingpao, Oriental Daily, Weibo
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum

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