7:58 PM

Yesterday Fala Chen and Edmond Leung attended fashion event. Fala appeared with a new short haircut, she expressed she got the haircut for her lawyer role in TVB new series Transfer of Love Firm. When asked if her Neway prince boyfriend (Sit Sai Hang) accepts her new haircut? She said: "I'm not sure. I'm just trying something new." When speaking of her 'Breakup' theory on Weibo, Fala expressed: "I just reposted what a female friend of mines wrote. She's very talented and I thought it was very meaningful, so I reposted it. (Is it your thoughts too?) No. (You and your boyfriend are still very sweet?) Mhmm. [Yes]"

Also, Fala has not been in HK, so she has not watched the anniversary series and cannot predict who the next TV King and Queen would be. She laughed: "Friendship wise, of course I'll support my buddies Tavia Yeung, Kate Tsui and Wayne Lai."

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum

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