7:57 PM

Yesterday TVB hosted their annual dinner at TVB City, a two day event, treating all of their employees for a "poon choi" feast. On the first night, 179 artists and 2,000 employees attended the dinner. Artists in attendance included Moses Chan, Wayne Lai, Myolie Wu, Kate Tsui, Eric Tsang, Christine Kuo, Sharon Chan, Roger Kwok, Nancy Wu, Mandy Wong, Aimee Chan and many more. TVB executives Virgina Lok, Catherine Tsang, Lee Bo On and Au Wai Lam made encouraging speeches to their employees.

It was understood that many TVB Siu Sang and FaDans support the government's issue of new free-to-air TV licenses, yesterday TVB's artist department sent out a "friendly reminder" SMS to all of their artists (details below). Deputy Director of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Tsang Sing Ming expressed: "We sent out this SMS internally to let our artists and employees better understand TVB's position in this [free-to-air TV license] issue. TVB is also very open, there is consensus internally and externally, the SMS was purely a friendly reminder to directly let colleagues know TVB's perspective."

After the SMS was sent out, last night Kate Tsui "knew what to do" when questions relating to the free-to-air licenses came up, she took the lead in the opposition. She expressed: "The Hong Kong market is not that big, too many TV networks can create vicious competition. (Fear TVB may get less income from commercials after the licenses are issued?) Of course we are worried, it directly affects our income. I hope the government can be more cautious. (Some artists expressed their support and it was said they're not supporting TVB?) Nope, we are all just expressing our opinions."

As this year's TV Queen hot favorite, Kate had a hilarious way to get more votes for herself. At the dinner, she had a sash around her shoulder that read: "Please vote for #8 Kate Tsui" and carried a hand full of tickets. She went to each corner and shouted into her bullhorn: "Please vote #8 Kate Tsui!" Kate laughed: "I don't mind acting 'low-B' (stupid), the most important is to get more votes. (Did you ask Norman Leung to vote for you?) I will ask him, I'm very brave. (You can't lose this?) No, I'm just afraid people won't remember what number I am! I told people overseas to vote for me too. It doesn't matter whether they know me or not, just give me your ID number. (You have very thick skin!) No, just playing! Just making friends."

Regarding Norman Leung 'declaring war' on Ricky Wong, Myolie expressed her support: "TVB is getting stronger and stronger. There will only be improvements when they is competition. There are many talents in TVB. (Afraid people will say you're not supporting your company?) No, things that must occur will eventually occur. We shouldn't be thinking this way, rather we should make our own team stronger. I support issuing new free-to-air licenses, but how many will be issued, we will have to wait for the government to think about that." As for Moses, he expressed Norman is amazing in his speech. Moses said: "I'm easy-going, the most important is to maintain peace. I hope the whole situation can move up to the next level, TVB's views are different from personal views, but healthy competition is a good thing. (Support free-to-air licenses?) I hope the government treats everyone equally, no matter how many licenses are issued, should still be fair." Mandy Wong was asked if she supports the issuing the licenses? She said healthy competition is good.

TVB's SMS to all of their artists included a list of five major points indicating their stance on the free-to-air licenses issue. The details are as follows:


To: All TVB artists,

In regards to applying for new free-to-air TV licenses, TVB's stance is as follows:

(1) TVB is not blindly against it.

(2) But, before the licenses are issued, the government is responsible to clarify three important points: How many licenses? Issued to whom? When will it be issued?

(3) How many licenses? Free-to-air TV networks depend on commercials to survive, but the HK television industry is highly regulated and narrow. If the government decides to issue unlimited free-to-air licenses, then they must remove the unnecessary regulations and allow TV networks to have the freedom to truly engage in competition. If the government continues the high regulations, then they must do research on the HK market and see if HK can support a few more free broadcasting TV networks, otherwise this will cause "not enough to go around" and eventually lead to vicious competition.

(4) Issue to whom? When the results are out, the government ought to:
a) Make a HK-wide announcement on the decision;
b) Invite all interested companies to cast; and
c) By a fair and public mechanism, a standard should be set. Licenses should only be issued to most qualified applicants.

(5) When will licenses be issued? Because TVB and ATV have agreed to increase the investment volume until 2015 in response to the government and regulatory authority' request, thus, all new free-to-air TV licenses should not be issued until after 2015.

2012-12-11 17:56

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum

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