11:49 PM

Simon Yam Tat Wa in the Dennis Law Sau Yiu directed THE CONSTABLE (GAING JEUNG) played a police captain. Brother Wa said that in his film career at first he mostly had the crook, then the maniac, in recent years he played law enforcement more. In Johnnie To Kei Fung's films alone he has played a cop, a firefighter, and a police captain.

Earlier Brother Wa worked on a street gun fight scene for THE CONSTABLE with Sam Lee Chan Sam, Ken Low Wai Kwong and others. To him it had zero degree of difficulty. "It was extremely easy, raise my arm, turn left, turn right, ouch! Done." During the break, his daughter Ella called. This good father lowered his voice and was extremely gentle. Ella of course has seen his work and him in gun fights and getting hit. "She is very smart, she knows it's fake. She even comforts Mommy, 'don't be afraid, it's fake, Papa is acting.'"

Brother Wa said that Ella had a great memory. After watching his film with Sandra Ng Kwan Yu. Once she saw Kwan Yu and remembered that "Sister" worked with Papa before, but Brother Wa was the most worried that Ella would be afraid of the media. "Both of us are in the entertainment business, we are used to facing the camera. Our daughter frowns when someone takes her picture. I can't do anything about that either."

Source: On.cc
Translated by: hktopten 

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