11:43 PM
 Avenue of Stars
 Guided Tour
 Kadoorie Hill
 Po Fook Hill

Leslie Cheung Kwok Wing's fans yesterday were all over Hong Kong, the goal of which was to pay respect to Gor Gor. A sea of flowers filled Hong Kong as everyone would not forget this day.

Gor Gor's former home in Kadoorie Hill posted two notices in Chinese, English and Japanese from the management, stating that Gor Gor has already moved from the above address. Any flowers or souvenir left there would be removed immediately, but female Gor fans still insisted on bringing flowers to remember Gor Gor. Ms. Fu from Lanzhou said that she was a "post Wing fan". She only liked Gor Gor for 11 months. Last April she said the 1989 farewell concert online and liked Gor Gor, thus she came to pay her respect; Gor fans still put letters into the mailbox in hopes that Gor Gor would be able to see their love in Heaven.

The Mandarin Oriental Hotel at Central would be a sea of flowers every year. Many fans also gathered on Ice House Street next to the hotel. Gor fans around the world presented a heart shaped floral arrangement, and spelled out "We Love You" with flowers. Many Gor fans heard Gor Gor's hit and broke down in tears.

Chan Suk Fun set up a spiritual tablet in Po Fook Hill for Gor Gor, which not only had fresh flowers in front of it but also at the special area set up outside for everyone to express their love for Gor Gor. Gor Gor's hand print on the Avenue of Stars also had fresh flowers, each flower represented the endless memories that everyone had for the idol of a generation.

The preservation group "Our Bus Terminal" and the Central and Western Concern Group yesterday organized the "Traces of Gor Gor Central and Western District guided tour" that brought Gor fans to many locations of Gor Gor's music video and films for free. Stops included the LOVE music video location the old Legislative Council building, WHO CAN RELATE and HE IS A WOMAN SHE IS A MAN (GUM JI YUK YIP)'s Duddell Street, STAND UP's Pound Lane in Sheung Wan. The guided tour had over 200 Gor fans, starting from the old Mandarin Oriental Hotel to Pound Lane they danced the STAND UP choreography on the stone steps. Guide and Our Bus Terminal chair Leslie Chan Ka Long was also a loyal Gor fan. "This is our first Gor Gor guided tour, hopefully we will be able to preserved Gor Gor related landmarks. At first we thought around 30 people would participate, we didn't expect over 200 people. Hopefully in September we will organize another guided tour on Gor Gor's birthday."

Many Mainland tourists joined the guided tour. The 18 year old Wuhan student Ms. Cao deliberately skipped class to pay her respect to Gor Gor in Hong Kong. "I went to the Hong Kong Coliseum for the memorial concert. I was very emotional and cried many times." In a Gor Gor memorial tee, she said that she waited in line for 3 hours before she was able to buy a souvenir. Mainland Gor fan Mr. Liu said that Tong Tong's words for Gor Gor was the most touching.

Source: On.cc
Translated by: hktopten

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