11:38 PM

"Ten years living and dead have drawn apart, I do nothing to remember, But I cannot forget" was not only Daffy Tong Hok Tak's words to his beloved Leslie Cheung Kwok Wing, but also Gor fan's forever remembrance for their idol. 10 years ago at 6:43PM on April 1, Gor Gor jumped from the Mandarin Oriental Hotel and ended his life; 10 years later on April 1, nearly a thousand Gor fans participated in a candle light memorial event in addition to numerous memorial activities. Every drop of tear on the face of Gor fans represented that they never forgot, Gor Gor would always live on in their hearts.

Cheung Kwok Wing's beloved Tong Hok Tak last night went to the Hong Kong Coliseum to remember Leslie with fans in a low key manner. In the past 10 years, Tong Tong would choose to spend the day alone, but this year Gor fans finally moved him to remember Gor Gor with almost ten thousand Gor fans.

Tong Tong before last night's event ended appeared on stage with Mrs. Chan and gave three bows to the audience in appreciation of fans' never changing love for Gor Gor over the years. Mrs. Chan spoke first on the stage. "Gor Gor, today is your memorial day. Daffy very bravely attended the exhibition on the 30th and two nights of memorial concerts. You can relax and enjoy your long vacation." Then she held Tong Tong's hand, gave three bows to the audience and waved. Tong Tong did not speak. After leaving the stage he left in a vehicle.

Tong Tong yesterday even revealed that his and Gor Gor's good friends of many years DJ Vani dedicated the song WHERE ARE YOU (NEI JOI HOR DEI) to Gor Gor and publicly expressed his endless missing and love for Gor Gor for the first time. The lyrics "From now on I know how much I love you, want to be with you long ago" have already expressed his love to the faraway Gor Gor. Tong Tong even represented Gor Gor and dedicated a song to Gor Gor's fans. He said, "I want to dedicate the song GETTING THROUGH IT TOGETHER (GUNG TUNG DOH GOR) to all of Leslie's friends and fans." Did Gor Gor receive Tong Tong's sentiments?

Tears still have not dried after ten years of farewell. What Cheung Kwok Wing would be the proudest of would probably be his fans whose passion for him never ceased. For days fans in Hong Kong, the Mainland, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, The U.S., Canada and other places brought fresh flowers, origami cranes, fruit, candy and other offerings to different locations to pay their respect like an one day Hong Kong tour. They went to Gor Gor former home, the Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Sha Tin Po Fook Hill, the Avenue of Stars, and for the 10th anniversary this year they even went to Times Square and the Hong Kong Coliseum for the Miss You Much Leslie exhibition and concert. Traces of Gor fans could be seen everywhere.

Yesterday around 6PM, almost a thousand Gor fans gathered at the square across the street from the former Mandarin Oriental, with more attendees than past candle light memorial events. Ice House Street across the street was also filled with fans, some even stood in the road and alerted the police to set up barrier to maintain order. Fan club representative Ms. Yau said that according to Chan Suk Fun the correct time of death was 6:43PM, the moment of silence also was changed.

Gor fans held white handles as the event played many Gor Gor hits. When THE MOON REPRESENTS MY HEART (YUET LEUNG TOI BIU NGOR DIK SUM) the thousand Gor fans sang along. Many faced the Mandarin Oriental hotel across the street as tears ran down their faces. At 6:43PM, a moment of silence began. Then Gor Gor's voice was played, "Thank you, I hope you would forever remember me." Many Gor fans immediately screamed "Leslie". Singer Han Yang immediately sang GOR GOR. The event ended at 6:48PM. Many Mainland Gor fans headed for the Hong Kong Coliseum to attend the memorial night.

At the exhibition that began two days ago Gor Gor's bust was already damaged in two places. Yesterday the exhibition at Causeway Bay Times Square continued to be packed, unfortunately a mischievous child stomped and poked at Gor Gor's giant bust. The event's original intention was for fans to be able to touch it, which turned into a little disrespectful to Gor Gor. The reporter even found a lot of damage to the sculpture. However, most Gor fans had good intentions. A group of Gor fans from the Mainland who called themselves "Miss You Much Origami Crane Mission 1956912" quietly folded origami cranes in the corner. A female member revealed that the organization has been formed for 3 years, from the initial few dozen to now almost a thousand members. This time over a hundred members came to Hong Kong.

Last night the Chan Suk Fun organized Miss You Much Leslie memorial night at the Hong Kong Coliseum was mainly for fans to share Gor Gor's exciting performance. Last night when the concert began, the entire audience gave an one minute standing moment of silence. Chan Suk Fun before the show said that last night mainly was a video broadcast. Because many "post Wing fans" wanted to understand their idol's life even more, it was like a fan club meeting. Did the singers volunteer to perform two nights ago? She said that everyone should be able to see each artist's whole hearted performance, thus everyone sincerely presented this gift to Gor Gor.

Source: Singtao
Translated by: hktopten

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