11:33 PM

Ever since the 2003 April Fool's Day, April 1st has another meaning. Ten years ago, Leslie Cheung (Gor Gor) committed suicide on this day. His former true love, Daffy Tong (Tong Tong) remained committed in grieving over Gor Gor at home alone every year on April 1st. Following his low-profile appearance at the Miss You Much Leslie concert, Tong Tong seem to have been touched by Gor Gor's fans, last night he made his first public appearance before millions of people on this sad day.

Yesterday afternoon Tong Tong asked his good friend, DJ Vani, to dedicate the song Where Are You (你在何地) on the radio. This is the first time Tong Tong publicly expressed his endless love for Gor Gor. After DJ Vani read out several messages from artists to Gor Gor, she said: "Gor Gor, this is a radio program dedicated to you. I have something really important that I must do. There is someone who is very important to you; someone who misses you very much, today he wanted me to play this song for you, and it must be this song."

After the song, DJ Vani continued: "Gor Gor, I hope you got his intention. I want to thank Mr. Daffy Tong." DJ Vani later expressed Tong Tong sent him a message through Whatsapp, hoping that he could personally dedicate a song to Gor Gor.

Tong Tong expressed his feelings through the lyrics of the song: "Old shadows, old voices, but new sorrows...I know from here on, how much I love you. My thoughts had been with you long ago."

Aside from the personal song dedication, Tong Tong also dedicated a song to Leslie's fans on his behalf and left a 20 character message: "I want to dedicate the song To Live Through (共同渡過) to all Leslie's friends and fans."

Later, DJ Vani expressed Tong Tong's message was a voice recording, "I initially wanted him to speak more, but he didn't really want to. But, when I asked him if I could tell listeners that this song was his personal dedication to Leslie? He said, 'If you like'." This is the first time Tong Tong publicly showed his love for Leslie.

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum

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