5:23 AM

The verbal disputes between Hong Kong artiste Anthony Wong and the fans of Taiwanese singer Show Luo continues on after the former indirectly insinuated that Show is a “nobody”. Recently, the veteran actor claimed that Show’s repeated apologies, made on his fans’ behalf, was the main reason behind his dissatisfaction towards the singer.

Berated that the singer has been “poisoned”, the straight-forward Anthony once again expressed his frustrations via his microblog last weekend. He wrote: “Since you [Show] admitted that they are your fans and that their words are overly harsh, then why are you only apologising for them and not asking them to say sorry!”

Adding that Show ought to ask his fans to stop their rude and unreasonable “harassment”, he continued, “His fans can’t stop ‘scolding’ me and yet he keeps wishing to make peace. This makes me think that he’s not being silly, but that he is ‘poisoned’ [by his fans]!”

Although there is no apparent bad blood between the two artistes, the abuse that the Hong Kong actor has been receiving from Show’s fans incurred his wrath and he has taken to his microblog to ‘rant’ on several occasions.  

Source: Xinmsn

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