7:07 PM

Yesterday pictures of Kary Ng and Shawn Yue secretly dating in London were exposed. Netizens took pictures of the couple at the London airport; the pictures circulated on the internet. Although the pictures taken were not very clear, the couple could easily be recognized by their height and the way they were dressed. It was understood, when the two landed at the London Heathrow Airport, other travelers quickly recognized Shawn Yue and someone went forward to ask for pictures, but Shawn turned down the request. It looks like Shawn does not want the public to know of their whereabouts. As for Kary, not many people recognized her, but she was much more generous. Someone recognized she was a singer and asked if pictures could be taken, she agreed.

Reporters contacted Kary and Shawn's management and assistant to confirm their relationship. Kary's management expressed Kary will not be responding yet. Shawn's assistant expressed he's currently on vacation. When asked if they're dating in London? Kary's management was unsure and does not know of their whereabouts.

31 year old Shawn and 26 year old Kary's love began last October when Shawn directed the MV of Kary's song Humans Are Not Grasslands (人非草木). At the time, Shawn took care of Kary like a big brother and he was a good loyal friend to her. They would often communicate online. Kary has been in the industry for 10 years and is getting prettier and prettier as she gets older. She also has several rumored boyfriends such as Shawn and his good friend Pakho Chau. Kary previously had an on and off relationship with 'Tennis Prince' (Hung Lap Hei), it was a very unstable relationship as they broke up and reconciled three times. In January, Kary held a her HK Coliseum Concert, and Hung was there to support her. However, a week after the concert, Kary announced she's single and she's only friends with Hung.

Source: Mingpao
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum

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